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May you bloom and grow!

As we emerge from the snow, may all your blossoms bloom and grow! *budding smiles* Carpe Diane

Consider each day an opportunity to take just one step forward, even if it is something simple like reaching out to someone who comes to mind, spending a few minutes in your garden, or organizing one drawer or stack of paperwork.

This gorgeous Fuchsia Ranunculus represents my wishes for growth
Bloom and grow with Diane - the Purpose Driven Coach!

As the next season approaches, I plan to thrive by spending some very intentional time doing some forward thinking and fine-tuning my plans and dreams in each major life sector.

Sector Goal Plan Physical: Improve fitness – Add Pilates reformer work 3 times a week to cross train. Personal: Write next book – Draft outline dedicate 15 minutes every day to writing. Professional: Stay connected – Reach out to 10 souls daily who inspire me and lift them up! Financial: Refine budget – Assess 2020 budget and commit to the changes for 3 months. Psychological: New modality – Incorporate 1 different modality daily to practice Intellectual: Continue care ministry training – Review courses taken and explore options to move forward. Spiritual: Sing – Review artists that resonate with me and find a new song that inspires me. Social: Play – Continue game time every single evening! *smiles* What are your sector goals and plans? If you wish to craft, revise, or consider your own program, please reach out to me for more information. I wish to gift 4 - 15 minute introductory sessions daily as part of my Share Your Riches program for those who are on the front lines serving others! If you have collaborated with me before then this is a great way to lift up someone that you care about and share some light.

Surrounded by blessings, Carpe Diane



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