Prayer Pens
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
Romans 12:12
I have been feeling like I have been in a spiritual hurricane lately, but this past Sunday's message on extraORDINARY worship by Pastor JC at Brookwood Church in Simpsonville, SC pulled me back into the calm of the eye. JC shared examples of loyal servants who struggled and he asked us to assess how we are serving Jesus Christ today. In response, I am launching a passion project so as to stand squarely in the center of faith.
Admittedly, there are some extenuating circumstances with regards to a precious soul whom I treasure.
After a bout with Covid in January, he has been wracked with severe pain. No one could figure out what was wrong until a few weeks ago when he received a devastating Stage 4 Lung Cancer diagnosis. He is struggling to walk in faith when all seems lost. I pray fervently for him as he journeys valiantly.
I took notes on everything JC shared and felt inspired to reignite my passion to serve. Pastor Perry once encouraged us to share the church's pens with others, so I began doing so in hopes that others might also find their way to Brookwood and receive the blessings from their spiritual font.
I've always been an avid note-taker, it's how I absorb information. A teacher shared a study hack that has helped me over the years. She said to study with a "special pen", then use it for the test as it already "knew" all the right answers. The Brookwood messages are so inspiring that I can't help but try to catch every single morsel so that I can carry it with me during the more difficult parts of this spiritual journey called the road less traveled.
I am now ready when the Lord moves me to share my prayer pens, lift someone up in prayer, invite them to visit my church, and offer sponsorship for a program at church as part of my tithe as I am able.
(Please complete the form below if I may be of service to you.)
I am totally open to any input on how to use prayer pens to unite us all in prayer and praise.
Please join me in sharing prayer pens with others so we can journey together!
I bet you can guess to whom the first pen will go... +PLEASE pray+
Thank you so much for your support, grace, and hope. Blessings, Carpe Diane