Define Your Life with Vision Clarity & Faith
We must have complete and utter faith that everything is perfectly in place for our present and future! *hopeful smiles* Carpe Diane

May you bloom and grow!
As we emerge from the snow, may all your blossoms bloom and grow! *budding smiles* Carpe Diane Consider each day an opportunity to take...

Skillfully shift gears to stay on track and keep living your best life!
The lyric “nobody does it better” rang out in my mind the other day. I have been blessed and honored to support individuals and...

Author Your Serenity, Success, and Bliss
Starting today, may we all activate our power to harness our light and bravely walk through our lives to realize WHATEVER it is that we...

Keep Your Head Held High
“Perseverance and spirit have done wonders in all ages.” -President George Washington Starting today…May you freely strive towards...

What are YOU making happen? (Republished from April 22nd)
This was me exactly 2 years ago, I was so happy to be home and still in the midst of recovery from a terrible car accident. I remember...

What are YOU making happen?
This was me exactly 2 years ago, I was so happy to be home and still in the midst of recovery from a terrible car accident. I remember...

Sellin' snowflakes *smiles*
Lately I have been hearing the same message repeatedly: How do I get MY message heard? During this holiday season, I have felt bombarded...

Do you awaken each day excited for the revelation of how you are to serve, grow, and learn? Please tell me I am not the only one!...

How to Move Through Difficult Times
Although the high points help offset some of the rough patches, it is hard won consolation to see that we are being worked on through the...